Friday, 30 April 2021

Gujarati virtual class

 Topic :- ગુજરાતી સ્વર

ગુજરાતી સ્વર ( Notebook work)

Subject:- Hindi. Date:- 30/04/2021.

 Topic:- गिनती।

Complete it in your notebook.

    Complete it in your workbook .

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Information about Gujarati (third language) book


Dear parent,

Please refer the given pages for Gujarati textbook. 

The textbook of Gujarati is not included in the school book set (kit).

You can buy this book or take printout.

Address and phone number of the stationery from where you can buy the book is : 


SUMMER Holiday Assignment


General  instructions for Summer Home Assignment for all grades

  • Kindly submit all your worksheet of all subjects as per SSD document(between us portal) and worksheet to be mailed to respective subject teacher as it get completed.
  • Create your assignment in your own style with new ideas as per given instruction.
  • The aim for home assignment is only for learning.So no need to go out for any material or anything to purchase.
  • Use handy material which is already available at home.
     Use waste material/scrap/best out of waste/
     reusable thing as per your use.

  • Notebook work can be completed in any notebook that you have at home(used one or new one or papers).You may keep one single notebook for all assignment. 
  • No need to go out to buy anything pertaining to your assignment.
Please click below 👇 for Holiday assignments 

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Mental Math Ch. Numbers


Mental Math book 

Ch 1 Numbers 

Mental Math Textbook Ch.Numbers pdf:- 

Please click on link 👆for Mental Math book ch.Numbers pdf

Topic Taught: Date (29/4/21)

in Mental math book solve ch 1 Numbers (Q.1 to Q.4)

Topic Taught: Date (30/4/21)

in Mental math book solve ch 1 Numbers (Q.5 to Q.8)

Homework: Revise the topics taught

NoteSubmit the ch. Numbers TB, NB, power Math,Mental Math work on email.

Please WB work submit only on your BetweenUs Portal.

Note- Follow the NB pattern thoroughly.

Those who have already submitted, kindly ignore. 

Grade 3rd C,D, "Art & craft","Drawing Textures",dt.29/4/2021,virtual online class

Grade 3 (A,B, C, and D)- EVS - 28th APRIL 2021- VIRTUAL ONLINE CLASS DETAILS - CH- 2(SOIL)

       SUBJECT - EVS

    27/04/2021 (TUESDAY)


    CH- 2 (SOIL) 

    Types of soil (3 types- sandy, loamy and clayey)


    Water- holding capacity


    The PPT shown and explained

     A video shown and explained

    Complete the NB work👇


Draw the following 👇 in NB after KWL Chart


Complete the following in TB ( those who do not have the TB can complete it in NB)


    Read page no. 15 and 16 half 👇 

    28/04/2021 (WEDNESDAY)


    CH- 2 (SOIL) 

    Recapitulation ( of the previous class)
    Soil Erosion
    Soil Conservation
    New words ( in NB)
    Page 16 read and explained from TB

    The following check your progress is done in class👇

Complete the NB work👇

New terms

1.  Capacity - the maximum amount that something can contain or hold.

2.  Characteristics - a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing.


Read the following page
Write and learn the new words from NB

Date: 28/04/21, Grade 3C Sub: Computer


Date: 28/04/21,  

Grade 3C 

Sub: Computer

Topic Taught:

1) Components of the Windows 7 screen
2) Taking care of a computer 

3)Questions were asked orally to the students

Done Textual Exercises (Q1,Q2,Q3 in Class)


Do the following notebook work if not completed

Textual exercises for reference:


Incase of any query, I may be contacted at 6354172432

Grade 3rd A,B, "Art & craft","Drawing Textures",dt.28/4/2021,virtual online class

Time table grade 3E