Grade 3 - EVS
Ch- Maps and Globe

Date: 29.11.2021
Topics taught:
- Conducted DT through Google form.
- Conducted Kick start activity in Textbook.
- Discussed the KWL chart and general discussions on maps, sketch, plans and globe.
Refer the given image for completing the KWL chart in noteboook:
Date: 30.11.2021
Topics taught:
- Explained the meaning, use and difference between sketch and Plan.
- Explanation of use and features of maps.
Date: 01.12.2021
Topics taught:
- Recapitulation of sketch, plan and use and features of Map.
- Explained the types of maps- Political, Physical and Thematic map.
- Discussed the method of reading a map using its features.
Date: 03.12.2021
Topics taught:
- Map work:
- Political map - To mark the States of India, Neighboring countries, Islands and oceans.
Mapwork :
Map 1: States of India
Map 2: Neighboring countries, Islands and Oceans
Mark the features of Map and physical features of India in the map.
(Refer the images shared in your class whatsapp group.)
Date: 06.12.2021
Topics taught:
- Explanation of Latitudes ,Longitudes and Grid.
- Explained locating places using Grid using a PPT.
- Conducted an activity to understand latitudes, longitudes and Grid by drawing lines on an Orange.
Notebook work:
New words:
- sketch
- physical
- thematic
- political
- location
- border
- locate
- globe
- latitude
- longitude
- cardinal directions
- intermediate directions
New terms:
1. map: A two dimensional drawing of the earth.
2. plan: It gives us an idea of a place when viewed from top.
Eg- Houses, building, park etc.
3. compass: It is an instrument with tiny magnetic needle that always points towards the North.
Textbook exercise:
Practice the given worksheet for locating places using Grid and Map key/ symbols given.
Date: 07.12.2021
Topics taught:
- Discussed the textbook activity of locating places using grid and exercise.
- Discussed the answers of Grid practice given in HW.
1. Draw the cardinal directions
Date: 08.12.2021
Topics taught:
- Discussed the workbook exercise.
- Solved the revision worksheet Q1.
Workbook exercise: (Click on the text below to open the file)