Date: 22/06/21
Grade 3
Sub: Computer
Topic: Using OpenOffice Writer
Pg 25,26 were explained :
1)Editing a document: Steps to select text
Home work:
1) Write down these 3 sentences in the same format as shown in the box given below. ( I have uploaded pg no 26 and 27 of Computer textbook for reference)
Write these three sentences in the same format as given in the question and click pictures and send it to me through mail on :
2) Please practice to type a sentence and select it
Note: All the students who were not able to get the "Storage Devices" worksheet and "Hardware and Software devices "worksheet on "Between Us" , I have uploaded the Image of that worksheet . I hope now the students will not face any problem.
Please upload the worksheets on between us
Please E-mail the work of Notebook, Text Book
Please send your work as soon as possible as the Submission Date for chapter 1 is already over.
Date: 28/6/21
1)Steps to delete selected text (Pg 27)
For reference👇
2)Steps to Cut, Copy, Paste Text (Pg 28)
for reference👇
Home Work:
1) Type the following in open office Writer:
2) Perform the following task:
Click the pictures of your work (monitor) , send it on my mail id
Grade 3
Sub: Computer
Topic: Using OpenOffice Writer
Date: 19/7/21
1)Formatting a document (Bold, Italic and Underline):
Making text bold, italic or underlining it is used to make selected text stand out.
For reference👇
Home work: Do the practical given in the section: "Learning by doing" given on page 29. Click the image of your work (work should be done on open office writer ) and send the images on my mail.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date: 26/07/21
Grade 3
Sub: Computer
Topic: Using OpenOffice Writer
Topic Taught: Inserting objects in a document
Drawing toolbar
Gallery: Steps to insert a picture
For reference👇
Shapes: Steps to insert shapes:
A comic strip was created in OpenOffice Writer, and was shown to students Practically:
Home Work: Do the learning by doing exercise given on page 32
Send the homework on my mail id------------------------------------------------------------
Topic Taught:
a) Steps to insert a picture:
Practical demonstration of the steps was given and a cartoon character's image was inserted in the document
Date: 6/8/21 Topic taught:
a)Font work Gallery: Steps to insert Font work
(Practical demonstration of the steps was given)
c) Special Characters : Steps to insert a special character
(Practical demonstration of the steps was given)
Do the practical and practice all the topics covered till now.
Date: 10/8/21
New words and meanings:
Textbook exercise and Question answers
Do the lab activity 2 on page 36.
Topic Taught: Workbook (Using OpenOffice writer)
Note: In case of any doubt , contact me on 6354172432
Important: Send all the NB, TB work through mail on :
Upload the picture of worksheets and workbooks on between us