Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Monday, 25 October 2021
Grade 3 Date: 25.10.2021 Sub: Computer Topic: Stepwise Thinking
Grade 3
Date: 25.10.2021
Sub: Computer
Topic: Stepwise Thinking
1) Design the face of a cat using a paper as instructed in the connect activity:
2) Learning by doing activity:
4) Learning by doing activity no2:
Home work:
1) Please do this in your Notebook:
2) Answers for Textual exercises : ( Kindly complete the following textual exercises)
NoteBook Work:
Date: 16/11/2021
New Words:
1) Logical thinking
2) Step wise thinking
1) Logical thinking: Logical thinking is a process of using reasoning in a step-by-step manner to solve a problem.
Workbook work:
Home Work: Complete Q5 of work book in Workbook itself.
Please send ( mail) your homework on- aakanksha.shrivashtava@podar.org
In case of any query , you can call me at- 6354172432
Friday, 22 October 2021
English Poem: Someone (3A & 3C)
Subject:- Hindi
Topic:- सर्वनाम ( Textbook work)
Notebook workPlease complete Textbook work and Notebook work.Send it on Email.
Wednesday, 13 October 2021
Monday, 11 October 2021
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- Video shown and discussed the topic with the students (on World Animal Day)
- DT - Ch-14 ( Movements of the Earth - done in virtual class) on google form
- Kick start done
- KWL Chart done (NB work)
- HYE Paper discussion done.
- Complete the KWL Chart
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- KWL Chart done
- Rotation- day/night - solar day (PPT, Video)
- Revolution - solar year- orbit - elliptical path ( PPT, Video)
- Draw the rotation and revolution diagram in NB and label them. ( from TB- pg.- 129& 130)
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- Recapitulation done.
- Leap year (Video - shown and explained)
- Reading of the chapter, important lines marked, explanation done.
- Short Q/A's asked.
- Read the chapter. ( from TB- pg.- 128& 130- half)
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- Recapitulation done
- KWL Chart (done again in NB - in virtual class)
- New words (done in NB)
- New Terms (done in NB)
New words and New terms for reference 👇
- Read the chapter. ( from TB- pg.- 128& 130- half)
- Complete the NB work ( until the work is completed in the virtual class)
- Learn about rotation, revolution, solar day, solar year, axis, orbit, and leap year.
20/10/2021 (WEDNESDAY)
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- Recapitulation done
- Seasons (Explained)
- TB Exercises done
- Read the chapter.
- Complete the TB work ( until the work is completed in the virtual class)
- Learn about rotation, revolution, solar day, solar year, axis, orbit, leap year, and how days and nights are formed?
- Draw the Season's diagram in NB.
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- Recapitulation done ( Rotation and Revolution)
- NB work done ( Q/A's)
- Read the chapter.
- Complete the NB work
- Draw the concept map in NB from the TB( page 131)
- Submit the NB and TB by mail to your respective subject teacher.
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- WB Exercises done
- Read the chapter.
- Complete the WB work
- Submit the NB, TB work by mail, and WB on your Betweens Portal to your respective subject teacher.
CH- 14 (Movements of the Earth)
- IA - 5 done.
- 2 Videos were shown and explained.
- Students will complete the activity sheet and submit it by mail to the respective subject teacher.
- Read the chapter.
- Complete the IA -5 and submit it by mail by tomorrow(28/10/21).
- Submit the NB, TB work by mail, and WB on your Betweens Portal to your respective subject teacher.
Date: 22/06/21 Grade 3 Sub: Computer Topic: Using OpenOffice Writer Taught: Pg 25,26 were explained : 1) Editing a document: Steps to...
Grade 3 - EVS Ch- Maps and Globe Date: 29.11.2021 Monday Topics taught: Conducted DT through Google form. Conducted Kick start activity in T...