Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Maths: Art Integrated Project

Grade 3 

Subject Maths: Art Integrated Project

                      Stick a map of India on second page of scrap book. 

                      Colour the two states (Gujarat & Chhatisgarh) and write the following information.

                Activity : Mathematics

Learning Outcomes:

The student will be able to…

1. identify their village/town/city in the state you live 

2. draw a line to connect the state capital to the chosen monument 

3. find the modes of transport available from your place to the monument 

4. find the distance between these two places in kilometres 

5. find the travel time from your place to the monument by road 

6. find the cost of entering the monument

Materials required:

1. outline map of the state (same as EVS)

2. scrap book

3. stationery


1. Plot the location of the capital on the outline map of the state.

2. Draw a line connecting the state capital to the monument you have already marked.

3. Find the distance between these two places in kilometres.

4. Find the travel time from the capital to the monument by road.

5. Note down your findings in your scrap book.

Support Resources:

Website for Google maps: https://www.google.com/maps

   NoteSubmit the Maths Art Integrated Project on email.


Monday, 29 November 2021

Grade 3 

Subject EVS : Art Integrated Project

                      Mention the  following details on the ruled page of scrap book:

                    Title of Project- A Historical monument of a state
                    Class:            Div:
                    Roll No:

                    Stick a map of India on second page (coloured sheet)) of scrap book. 
                      Colour the two states (Gujarat & Chhatisgarh) and write the following information.


Submit the project by Monday, 6th December 2021 to your respective subject teacher.

Grade 3 - EVS

Ch- Maps and Globe

Date: 29.11.2021


Topics taught:

  • Conducted DT through Google form.
  • Conducted Kick start activity in Textbook.
  • Discussed the KWL chart and general discussions on maps, sketch, plans and globe.
Refer the given image for completing the KWL chart in noteboook:


Draw a sketch showing the route to reach the school from your home.

Date: 30.11.2021


Topics taught:

  • Explained the meaning, use and difference between sketch and Plan. 
  • Explanation of use and features of maps.

Date: 01.12.2021


Topics taught:

  • Recapitulation of sketch, plan and use and features of Map. 
  • Explained the types of maps- Political, Physical and Thematic map.
  • Discussed the method of reading a map using its features.

Date: 03.12.2021


Topics taught:

  • Map work:
  • Political map  - To mark the States of India, Neighboring countries, Islands and oceans.
Mapwork :

Map 1: States of India
Map 2: Neighboring countries, Islands and Oceans

Mark the features of Map and physical features of India in the map.
(Refer the images shared in your class whatsapp group.)

Date: 06.12.2021


Topics taught:

  •  Explanation of Latitudes ,Longitudes and Grid.
  • Explained locating places using Grid using a PPT.
  • Conducted an activity to understand latitudes, longitudes and  Grid by drawing lines on an Orange.
Notebook work:

New words:
  1. sketch
  2. physical
  3. thematic
  4. political
  5. location
  6. border
  7. locate
  8. globe
  9. latitude
  10. longitude
  11. cardinal directions
  12. intermediate directions
New terms:
1. map: A two dimensional drawing of the earth.
2. plan: It gives us an idea of a place when viewed from top.
Eg- Houses, building, park etc.
3. compass: It is an instrument with tiny magnetic needle that always points towards the North.

Textbook exercise:

Practice the given worksheet for locating places using Grid and Map key/ symbols given.

Date: 07.12.2021


Topics taught:

  • Discussed the textbook activity of locating places using grid and exercise.
  • Discussed the answers of Grid practice given in HW.
1. Draw the cardinal directions

2. Write the difference between Maps and Globe in the notebook.

Date: 08.12.2021


Topics taught:

  •  Discussed the workbook exercise.
  • Solved the revision worksheet Q1.
Workbook exercise: (Click on the text below to open the file)


Sunday, 28 November 2021

Maths Ch. Patterns and Symmetry


Ch 11 Patterns and Symmetry 

Topic Taught: Date (26/11/21)

  • Diagnostic Test link 👆( In google form shared in class whatsapp group on 26/11/21)
Write KWL chart in School Notebook

                        Please refer 👆

Topic Taught: Date (29/11/21)
Solve Ex. 11.1 Q.1 and 2 in Textbook

Please refer 👆

Topic Taught: Date (30/11/21)
Solve Ex. 11.3 Q.1,2and 3 in Textbook

Please refer 👆

Topic Taught: Date (1/12/21)

Please refer 👆

Topic Taught: Date (6/12/21)
Mental Maths book 

Please refer 👆

NoteSubmit the ch. Patterns and Symmetry TB, NB , Mental Math work on email.

Please Workbook work submit only on your BetweenUs Portal.

Note- Follow the NB pattern thoroughly.

Those who have already submitted kindly ignore. 

Subject:- Gujarati

 Topic:- વાહનો નાં નામ અને અંકલેખન

વાહનો નાં નામ

Topic:- અંકલેખન ( Textbook )

Notebook work

Monday, 22 November 2021

Syllabus for Periodic test 2 (2021-22)


Subject- Math 

Subject- English

Subject- Hindi 

Subject- EVS 

Subject- Computer 

Subject:- Gujarati

Std. III
20 marks MCQ
પગલું ૨૪ થી પગલું ૩૦
જંગલી પ્રાણીઓ નાં નામ
વાહનો નાં નામ

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Subject:- Hindi

 Topic:- पर्यायवाची शब्द 

Textbook work

Notebook work


Note:- Textbook work and Notebook work send on mail.

Worksheet upload on between us.

Subject:- Gujarati

 Topic:-   જંગલી પ્રાણીઓ નાં નામ  ( Wild animals name ) ( મૌખિક કાર્ય)

Subject:- Gujarati

 Topic:- પ્રવૃત્તિઓ

Note:- Complete the Activities and send it on Email.

Monday, 8 November 2021



    8/11/2021 (MONDAY)


    CH- 18 (Timelines) 

  • DT - Ch-18 ( Timelines - done in virtual class) on the google form
  • Kick start done
  • KWL Chart done (NB work)
    NB work for reference👇
      TB work for reference👇

  •  Complete the KWL Chart
    Note- Be ready with the photographs of your childhood till now. ( one photograph for each year, if possible).

Date: 9.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Conducted the activities of arranging the events given in PPT and textbook Pg no-160.
Completed the activity with reference to data on page 159.

Notebook work: Writing the correct order of making a sandwich in notebook.

Date: 10.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Conducted the activity of sequencing given in PPT and activity -Before & After from textbook Pg no-160.
  • Explained about Past,Present and Future events.
  • Explained the terms- Timeline, History and Historians.
Reference image: TB Pg no-160

Complete the information :


Date: 15.11.2021

Topics taught:
  •  Recapitulation of Past/Present/Future and the terms- History, Historians.
  • Conducted an activity of Past/Present/Future given in PPT.
  • Explained Villi's timeline given in PPT.
  • Explained about the need of Timeline, Use of BC,AD, and the new terms- BCE, CE using a video.
 1) Complete the sentences in notebook.

2) Refer the image given below (Villi's timeline) and make your own timeline in the notebook.

Date: 16.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Recapitulation of AD/BC and new terms BCE/CE in timeline.
  • Explanation of how to create timeline and arrange the events in BCE/AD. 
  • Explained PPT-2 about the steps of creating a horizontal and vertical timeline. 
Date: 17.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Recapitulation of creating a timeline. 
  • Explained slides of PPT-3. 
  • Solved TB activity page no-164 of arranging events of BCE/CE.
 Revise the topic taught using PPT-3 from Between us.

Date: 22.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Revised arranging events in timeline and using BCE/CE with the help of PPT-3.
  • Explained the activity given in PPT-2 (Scrapbook activity)(To create a Vertical timeline of Walt Disney)
Art Integration Activity:

Refer the format of Vertical timeline and the paragraph given below to create a Timeline of Walt Disney.

  • Identify the important events related to his life and plot them on the timeline.
  • Create a Vertical timeline neatly.
  • Symbolic pictures besides each event (wherever possible) can be drawn /stick pictures ( downloaded from Google ) to make the timeline creative. 
  • Can use different colours to make the timeline attractive.
  • Click picture of your work and mail by Thursday, 25.11.2021 to the respective subject teacher.

Paragraph on Walt Disney:

Date: 23.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Discussed Textbook exercise Q1,Q2 and Q3.
  • Discussed Workbook exercise Q1, Q2, Q5, Q6.
Refer the answers 👇

Complete Q5 and Q6 of the workbook.

Date: 24.11.2021

Topics taught:
  • Discussed Workbook exercise Q3, Q4.
  • Discussed Textbook exercise Q4 Answer the following.
Complete the notebook work and submit by Saturday, 27.11.2021.

Refer the notebook work given:

Refer the workbook answers: 
Click on the text to open the worksheet.

Time table grade 3E