Subject : English Name of the Chapters
6. Poem: The Balloon Man
7.Grammar: Am, Is, Are
8.Composition: Letter Writing
9.Grammar: Was, Were
10.Prose: Robin Hood and the Silver Arrow
11.Symphonics: Irregular long vowel patterns ‘ind’ and ‘ild’
12.SR: The Golden Plate
13.Grammar: Has, Have
14.Poem: The Blind Men and the Elephant
15.Symphonics: Homographs
16..Composition: Comprehension 4
17.Composition: Writing a Story
Subject : Evs Name of the Chapters
Subject : Hindi Name of the Chapters
.पाठ - मेराकंप्यूटर
पाठ - खेलेंकैरम
व्याकरण – विलोम शब्द
व्याकरण- अशुद्धिशोधन
जानकारी - गिनती२१से४०तक (शब्दोंतथाअंकोंमें)
लहर-जैसे को तैसा
Subject: Math Name of the Chapters
Subject : Computer Name of the Chapters