Friday 17 April 2020

EVS - 18TH APRIL 2020 - ONLINE VIRTUAL CLASS - Ch-1- Food and Health(NB) AND (WB)

18/04/2020 (SATURDAY)




1. Fill in the blanks.

a) Carrot is the root of a plant.

b) Proteins build our muscles and repair the injured tissues of        our body.

c) Frying, roasting, boiling and baking are different methods of 

d) In olden days, a cooking stove used was called a chulla

2. Match the following:

                        Column A                                                     Column B                          
 a) Flower  i)   Oven 
 b) Carbohydrate ii)  Milk  
 c) Baking  iii) Rice  
 d) Paneer iv) Cauliflower 

(a)        iv        , (b)       iii         , (c)         i         , (d)        ii         

3. Answer in one sentence.
a) Name the animal that provides us honey.
Ans.  Honeybee provides us honey. 

(b) Names the fuels that are commonly used in recent times for         cooking
Ans LPG and PNG are the commonly used fuels in recent times            for cooking.

4. Answer the following questions.
(a) Healthy food plays an important role our lives. Write two              points to justify this statement.
Ans. 1. Energy is obtained by eating healthy food. Therefore, we             need to eat healthy food.
      2.  Healthy food also supplies us with all the essential                        nutrients required for proper growth and development of             the body.

(b) Why is it important to include milk compulsorily in the diet           of children and teenagers?
Ans. Milk should be compulsory in the diet of children and                 teenagers as it provides calcium and phosphorous which                makes the bones strong. 

(c) Write two functions of fats.
Ans. 1. Fats provide our body with energy.
         2.They also protect our internal organs. 

5. Identify whether the given food items are obtained from plants or animals. Write ‘Animal’ or ‘Plant’ in the text boxes respectively.

6. What will happen if, a person does not take healthy food                      regularly?
Ans: If healthy food is not e  aten regularly, a person becomes weak          and cannot perform daily activities well.

7. Dinner time! Draw your favourite food substances on the plate.          Make sure to use all the food groups.

8. A healthy diet is a balanced combination of energy giving food,          food for growth and repair, and food rich in vitamins and minerals.
   Given below is an incomplete meal with missing items. Decide a       food item you would add to make your meal such to make it a             balanced and healthy meal. Also, write the food group to which         the food item belongs.

                                           Complete your Meal!                                                                                                
 Boiled potatoes
 Fish / Milk/ Cheese (protein)
 Banana and Spinach


Time table grade 3E