Wednesday 8 July 2020

Grade III Syllabus ( Term I ) 2020- 2021


SYLLABUS (2020-21) TERM 1

Subject - Math  

Term I 

1)    Ch. 1: Numbers

Ø  Kick start

Ø  Exercise 1.1

Ø  Formation of 4-digit numbers

Ø  Reading and writing 4-digit numbers

Ø  Exercise 1.2

Ø  Place value and face value of digits

Ø  Expanded form and standard form of a number

Ø  Exercise 1.3

Ø  Successor and predecessor

Ø  Exercise 1.2

Ø  Comparing numbers

Ø  Exercise 1.5

Ø  Ordering numbers

Ø  Exercise 1.6

Ø  Revision exercise – Q.1, Q.2, Q.3, Q.5, Q.6, Q.8, Q.9, Q.11

2)    Ch. 2: Addition

Ø  Kick start

Ø  Addition of 3-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Exercise 2.1

Ø  Addition of 4-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Exercise 2.2

Ø  Story sums on addition of 3 and 4-digit numbers

Ø  Exercise 2.3

Ø  Properties of addition

Ø  Addition of 10, 100 and 1000

Ø  Exercise 2.5

Ø  Revision exercise – Q.1, Q.2 (a - e), Q.3, Q.4, Q.6 (a, c and d)

3)    Ch. 3: Subtraction

Ø  Kick start

Ø  Subtraction of 3-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Exercise 3.1

Ø  Subtraction of 4-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Exercise 3.2

Ø  Subtraction with zeroes

Ø  Properties of subtraction

Ø  Subtraction by 10, 100 and 1000

Ø  Exercise 3.3 – Q.1, Q.3 and Q.4

Ø  Story sums on subtraction

Ø  Exercise 3.4

Ø  Revision exercise – Q.1 and Q.4

4)    Ch. 4: Multiplication

Ø  Kick start

Ø  Exercise 4.1

Ø  Multiplication of 2-digit number by 1-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Story sums on multiplication of 2-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Exercise 4.2

Ø  Multiplication tables from 11 to 15

Ø  Multiplication of 3-digit number by 1-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Story sums on multiplication of 3-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Exercise 4.4

Ø  Multiplication of 2-digit number by 2-digit number (without and with regrouping)

Ø  Exercise 4.5 – Q.1

Ø  Properties of multiplication

Ø  Multiplication by 10, 100, 1000

Ø  Exercise 4.6

Ø  Revision exercise – Q.1, Q.2 and Q.3 (a - e)

5)    Ch. 10: Geometry

Ø  Kick starts

Ø  Exercise 10.1

Ø  Plane shapes and their properties

Ø  Exercise 10.2

Ø  Solid shapes and their properties

Ø  Exercise 10.3

Ø  Basic concepts in geometry

Ø  Exercise 10.4 – Q.1, Q.2, Q.3 and Q.5

Ø  Revision exercise

6)    Ch. 5: Division

Ø  Kick start

Ø  Exercise 5.1

Ø  Division of 2-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Concept of remainder

Ø  Story sums on division of 2-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Exercise 5.2

Ø  Division of 3-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Exercise 5.3 – Q.1

Ø  Division of 4-digit number by 1-digit number

Ø  Exercise 5.4 – Q.1

Ø  Properties of division

Ø  Division by 10, 100 and 1000

Ø  Exercise 5.5

Ø  Revision exercise – Q.1, Q.2 and Q.3

Subject - Computer


 Term I


1)    Ch. 1: Hardware and Software


2)    Ch. 4: Pivot Animator I

3)    Ch. 7: Introduction to Internet

Subject - Hindi


Term I

1)    पाठ मिट्ठू

2)    कविता तिरंगा

3)    व्याकरण भाषा 

4)    जानकारी गिनती से २० (शब्दों तथा अंकों में)

5)    रचना अनुच्छेद लेखन

6)    व्याकरण मात्राएँ

7)    रचना कहानी लेखन   

8)     व्याकरण संज्ञा

9)     लहर सबसे ताकतवर कौन?

10)  पुनःअभ्यास 1 अनुच्छेद लेखन

11)  व्याकरण लिंग

12)  व्याकरण वचन

13)  रचना पत्र लेखन

14)  पाठ भारत के राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक

15)  व्याकरण मुहावरे

16)  जानकारी गिनती २१ से ३० (शब्दों तथा अंकों में)

17)  पुनःअभ्यास 1 कहानी लेखन HW  

Subject - EVS

Term I

1)    Ch. 9: Creepy Crawlies

2)    Ch. 2: Soil

3)    Ch. 4: Living Things

4)    Ch. 5: Plant World

5)    Ch. 8: Birds

6)    Ch. 21: Care and Compassion

7)    Ch. 13: Maps and Globes

Subject - English

Term I

1)    Prose: The Magic Playhouse

2)    Reading: Comprehension 1

3)    Grammar: Nouns

4)    Poem: Books

5)    Writing: Message Writing

6)    Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns

7)    Symphonics: Revisit Vowels

8)    Prose: The Bakers’ Village

9)    Reading: Comprehension 2

10) Grammar: Gender

11) Poem: Kitten At Play

12) Reading: Comprehension 3

13) Grammar: Pronouns

14)  Prose: The Piggy Bank

15) Symphonics: Syllables

16) Writing: Letter Writing

17) Grammar: Articles

18)  Prose: A Home for the Ducklings

19) Reading: Comprehension 4

20) Grammar: Adjectives

21) Poem: The Swing

22) Writing: Sequencing

23) Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives

Time table grade 3E