Monday 14 June 2021

Date: 14/06/21 Grade 3A ,B,C,D Sub: Computer, Topic Taught: Hardware and Software devices(Work Book)


Date: 14/06/21 

Grade 3A ,B,C,D 

Sub: Computer 

Topic:  CH 1: Storage Devices (Worksheet)

IMPORTANT  INFORMATION: Assessment test will be conducted on 18/6/21 for chapter 1: Hardware and software devices, prepare well from Text Book, Note Book, Work Book.
Best of luck.

Note: Dear students, this chapter was done before vacation

Submission date:15/6/21


1)On page 12: Lab Activity Q.1. Make a list of the hardware devices that you have seen in your computer lab. 
Q.2. Make a list of the application software available on your computer and specify its type.

2) On Page no 26: Topic- Connect
Try to write the  sentences in the same format as shown in the box given in your textbook

Note: In case of any  doubt , contact me on 6354172432
Send all the NB, TB work through mail on :

Time table grade 3E