Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Grade 3 (A,B, C, and D)- EVS - 15th JUNE 2021- VIRTUAL ONLINE CLASS DETAILS - CH- 2(SOIL)


    15/06/2021 (TUESDAY)



    CH- 2 (SOIL) 

Workbook exercise done in virtual class.


    Complete the following question in WB 👇

Scrapbook Activity 👇


1. Draw pictures of the types of soil - sandy soil, loamy soil, clayey soil. (can take the printouts too)

2. Paste it in your scrapbook ( in the boxes as it is shown in the image below).

3. Explain about each types of soil under the images.

4. Write a slogan on - Importance of soil

Note - Refer the image for details.

Note  1- Kindly submit the work by Saturday (19/6/21)

Note  2- There will be a test on Monday (21/6/21) on Ch-2- Soil.
Revise well for the test.   

Note 3- Kindly submit the work by Saturday(19/6/21) for the following chapters.

1. Ch-1 - Food and Health
2. Ch-2- Soil

Note  4- 
1.  Submit only the NB, TB, and scrapbook work by mail
(Kindly send one mail for one chapter).

Time table grade 3E