16/06/2021 (WEDNESDAY)
CH- 2 (SOIL)
- Explained the activity on layers of the soil (again)
- Art Integrated Activity explained ( about the salt painting by showing a video)
For reference👇
- Diagnostic Test on Ch- 5 (Plant world) done.
- Kick Start for Ch- 5 done.
Complete the KWL Chart in NB 👇
Visit your society garden or explore through the internet and see the types of trees, bushes, herbs, plants (big and small), Observe carefully.
Scrapbook Activity 👇
1. Draw pictures of the types of soil - sandy soil, loamy soil, clayey soil. (can take the printouts too)
2. Paste it in your scrapbook ( in the boxes as it is shown in the image below).
3. Explain about each types of soil under the images.
4. Write a slogan on - Importance of soil
Note - Refer the image for details.
Note 1- Kindly submit the work by Saturday (19/6/21)
Note 2- There will be a test on Monday (21/6/21) on Ch-2- Soil.
Revise well for the test.
Note 3- Kindly submit the work by Saturday(19/6/21) for the following chapters.
1. Ch-1 - Food and Health
2. Ch-2- Soil
Note 4-
1. Submit only the NB, TB, and scrapbook work by mail.
(Kindly send one mail for one chapter).
For reference👇
Take a glass container. First, put big rocks, then fragmented
rocks, above it a layer of sand mixed with small rocks. Over it put the topsoil from the garden. Now on top put some dried leaves and vegetable wastes.
the layers should be properly distinguished.
Show the layers with the help of sticky notes or
write on a piece of paper and paste
it with cello tape as shown in the above image.
Take a picture holding it and make a video
explaining the layers of the soil.
- EXTRA LINK FOR REFERENCE Click the following to get the link Click 👉 Formation of soil
Note 5-
EVS google form Test will be conducted on Monday(21/6/21).
Revise Ch- 2- Soil ( From TB, NB, and WB)
21/06/2021 (MONDAY)
Topics taught:
1. Types of Plants- Trees, Shrubs, Herbs & Climbers with examples.
2. Discussed the differences between Trees/Shrubs/Herbs/Climbers.
3. Explained the Parts of Plant and Shoot system of Plant with the help of video.