Monday, 28 June 2021

Math IA 1 Addition (29/6/21)

Topic Taught: Date (29 /6/21)

Topic: Math Lab Assessment IA (Addition)

Objective: To represent 4-digit numbers and add them without regrouping 

1. Activity sheet 1A and 1B (each student should take a printout of the same. If students are not able to take print-outs then they can draw the correct number cards and place them in the correct column)

2. Activity sheet 2A - 2B (any one activity sheet should be chosen by each student and student should take print out of the same.)


Note :- If students are not able to take print-outs then they can draw the correct number cards and place them in the correct column as shown in the answer.

students to represent the addends using the number cards given in activity sheet 1.
Cut and stick them in the correct columns one below the other.(If students are not able to take print-outs then they can draw the correct number cards and place them in the correct column)
Add the numbers vertically to find the sum once done.

Above the Reference sum 👆 Kindly refer 

 NoteSubmit the IA - Math Lab assessment (Addition) work on email.

Time table grade 3E